| 1. | Then recovering myself, i looked up with the utmost affection of my soul and with a flood of tears in my eyes . 后来我心里略略定下来,立刻怀着最大的爱戴之情仰望着天空,眼里噙着眼泪。 |
| 2. | Even as i write now , i can feel a mist of tears in my eyes 即使现在我写到这里,还是忍不住湿了眼眶。 |
| 3. | Tears in my eyes because of the deepest love for y ou 为什么我的眼里含着泪水,因为我对你爱的深沉! |
| 4. | Tears in my eyes i ' m a man 泪滴在我的眼睛里我是男人。 |
| 5. | I translated master s words to fellow initiates with tears in my eyes 我边哭边翻译师父的开示给同修们听。 |
| 6. | Look ! there ' s a tear in my eye 唉,我不禁流下了眼泪 |
| 7. | After hearing this , i had tears in my eyes and was deeply moved 她的这些话让我眼中充满泪水,心中深深受感动。 |
| 8. | I tore up the letter and , with tears in my eyes , kissed the hand which held it 我撕掉了信,含着眼泪吻着她向我伸过来的手。 |
| 9. | I loved you enough to let you see anger , disappointment , disgust and tears in my eyes 我爱你至深才让你看到我眼中的气恼、失望、厌恶和泪水。 |
| 10. | I loved you enough to let you see anger , disappointment , disgust , and tears in my eyes 我爱你所以让你看见生气,失望,憎恶和泪光在我的眼睛里。 |